This is going to be the begging of my work shop and vehicle shed. I had just cut the axle out from under it . Gary picked it up with he track loader while I pulled the axle out from under the trailer. We then picked up the front of it and I cut the dolley assembly from under it and sat it down on some rail road ties.
Finished for now, will go back later and re level it some more and start building the tin shed over the top and the sides. Will be closing in the west (left) side and the east side will be left open so I can park the tractor and vehicles in out of the weather. Now I need to locate some old power poles for the main structure.
Just a sunset picture taken from my place.
This snow moved in the day ofter dropping the trailer down, it must of rained at least 2 inches before it snowed. Would have been a really big snow storm if it had been cold enough. Dang it lol I was ready to be snowed in for a few days.
Was driving to town and saw the snow stuck to the grass and thought it would make a cool picture, if I only had a real camera lol
Tomorrow I go to town and meet with Terra, she is a great artist and she is going to draw crickets paw prints so they are life size and realistic in appearance so I can then go to the tattoo place and get them tattooed onto my arm where she used to stand and make paw indentations while we drove down the road. Really excited about getting them, never really thought about getting a tattoo before but you only live once right?